
IPVA 2024: Check the payment calendar, amounts and discounts

The calendar for paying the tax has been released, as well as information on installments and cash payment.


What is IPVA?

IPVA (Motor Vehicle Ownership Tax) is a state tax, charged annually and is mandatory for motor vehicle owners.

As it is a state tax, each state in the federation has its own rules, amounts and payment conditions.

How to check and pay IPVA

Most states offer the option of checking the IPVA value through the official websites of their State Traffic Departments (Detrans) or Finance Departments (Sefaz).

To access, the vehicle owner generally needs the Renavam number (National Motor Vehicle Registry) and, in some cases, the vehicle's license plate.

After consultation, the owner can generate a collection slip (GRV or GARE, depending on the state) for the payment of IPVA.

Installments and discounts

If your state offers the option of installments, you can choose to divide the IPVA amount into several installments. It is important to pay attention to the due dates of each installment to avoid interest and fines.

Some states offer discounts for paying in cash. It is worth checking whether this option is available and whether it is advantageous for your current financial planning.

IPVA calculation basis

The value of the IPVA is calculated based on the market value of the vehicle, which is an estimate that the Public Authority makes on the price of certain goods and can be found in the FIPE table.


Consult for free

Fipe table

IPVA 2024

Check the list value of your vehicle.

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Calendar and Discounts by State

Espírito Santo (ES)

In Espírito Santo, the IPVA rates for 2024 are 2% for cars and 1% for motorcycles, trucks and buses. Taxpayers who choose to pay in a single installment will have a discount of 15%. Furthermore, there is the possibility of paying the amount in up to six installments, between the months of April and September.

End of plate1st installment or single installment with discount2nd installment3rd installment4th installment5th installment6th installment
1 and 209/0409/0510/0610/0712/0812/09
3 and 410/0413/0513/0615/0719/0819/09
5 and 611/0414/0514/0616/0720/0820/09
7 and 812/0415/0517/0617/0721/0823/09
9 and 015/0416/0518/0618/0726/0826/09
Source: Sefaz-ES

Minas Gerais (MG)

In Minas Gerais, IPVA rates vary between 1% and 4%, depending on the type of vehicle. For those who pay in a single installment, the discount is 3%, and there is also an additional discount of 3% through the “Bom Pagador” program. Payment can be paid in up to three installments.

End of plateSingle quota or 1st installment2nd installment3rd installment
1 and 215/0119/0218/03
3 and 416/0120/0219/03
5 and 617/0121/0220/03
7 and 818/0122/0221/03
9 and 019/0123/0222/03
Source: Detran-MG

Sao Paulo-SP)

In the state of São Paulo, the rates are 4% for cars and 2% for motorcycles. Taxpayers who pay IPVA in a single installment in January will receive a discount of 3%. The tax can also be paid in up to five installments.

End of plateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay
1st installment or single installment with 3% discount2nd installment or single installment (no discount)3rd installment (no discount)4th installment (no discount)5th installment (no discount)
Source: Sefaz-SP

Rio de Janeiro - RJ)

In Rio de Janeiro, IPVA rates are 4% for cars and 2% for motorcycles. Just like in São Paulo, there is a discount of 3% for payments in a single installment. The amount can be paid in up to three installments.

End of plateSingle quota or 1st installment2nd installment3rd installment

Consequences of Non-Payment

Failure to pay each installment within the specified period will result in fines and interest, in addition to preventing regularization in the face of annual licensing.

Therefore, the owner is unable to obtain the CRLV document (Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate, which is necessary for free movement, thus being at risk of vehicle seizure.

Furthermore, if the IPVA is not paid for a long period, the debt may be included in the state's active debt. This means that the state will begin a more rigorous collection process, which may include lawsuits and even the seizure of assets.

Important to Know

  • The IPVA value is calculated based on the market value of the vehicle.
  • Payment of IPVA is essential to keep your vehicle in good standing.
  • Pay attention to deadlines to avoid fines and interest.

For more detailed information, such as complete payment calendars and more details about discounts and rates for each state, we recommend consulting the official sources of each state Treasury Department.

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