Privacy Policy – 100 Tecnologia

Updated on November 17, 2023.

Introduction and Summary

The 100 Tecnologia website, accessible at, offers a wide range of content, including up-to-date news and promotions for various products and services. Additionally, it presents offers from partners, directing users to sites relevant to their interests.

Our main focus is to connect users with the most appropriate services, covering areas such as applications, entertainment, tips and technological advances.

We attach great importance to the security of your personal data. Our Privacy Policy reflects our commitment to protecting your privacy and the security of your information.

For clarification or additional information about your rights and options, users can access our privacy policy or contact us via email [email protected].

Scope of the Privacy Policy

100 Tecnologia acts as a platform dedicated to content and promotion of products and services, especially in areas such as applications and technological innovations. Its function is strictly promotional, without establishing direct contracts with users.

Any commercial interaction between users and partner advertisers takes place in environments external to 100 Tecnologia, which does not request or store users' banking or financial data. The website's relationship with users is based solely on information.

It is important that users notify 100 Tecnologia via email [email protected] if they receive requests for personal data. The platform assumes no responsibility for fraud attempts carried out by external entities.

About Consent

When using 100 Tecnologia, users implicitly agree to our Privacy Policy, which is essential for the protection of all parties involved. If you do not agree with these policies, we recommend not using our services.

It is important that this Policy is considered together with the Terms of use, due to legal aspects. These documents, together, establish 100 Tecnologia's practices in relation to data collection and the corresponding obligations, covering both the management of the website and its use by users.

I. Information We Collect


Browsing 100 Tecnologia does not imply automatic collection of personal data. However, to access exclusive content, users can register, providing information such as name, email, telephone and address.

This data collection in restricted areas allows 100 Tecnologia to offer personalized content and verify the identity of users, whether they are individuals or companies. This also helps you create personalized strategies for each user.

Additionally, we collect personal data when users contact 100 Tecnologia to request information or to report problems. This data is stored for website administration and control.


100 Tecnologia collects not only personal data voluntarily provided during registration or direct contact, but also non-personal data while browsing the website. This collection improves the user experience and guides the campaigns of our partner sites.

Access records (Log Files) capture information such as IP addresses, browser types, Internet service providers, access dates and times, entry and exit pages, and clicks made.

We use Cookies to understand user preferences. Cookies track activities such as clicks to form consumer profiles. This helps us personalize offers and experiences, increasing relevance and acceptance by users. Cookies can be disabled in users' operating system settings; Failure to deactivate implies consent to its use.


100 Tecnologia uses Google Analytics to analyze website usage and improve the user experience. Cookies monitor information such as length of visit and pages accessed, with more details available on the official website of Google Analytics.

We also use third-party analytics and Cookies to generate engaging content by tracking time on site and pages visited. In testing phases of new features, Cookies help maintain a consistent experience and evaluate necessary optimizations.

For advertising, we use Google AdSense, which uses cookies to show relevant ads and limit their repetition. More information can be found in the FAQs of Google AdSense.

Advertising is a source of funding for the site and future developments. Behavioral advertising cookies aim to show you relevant ads. Additionally, Affiliate Tracking Cookies help us identify whether a user arrived through a partner, allowing for appropriate credit.

Partner Cookies are not managed by us, but users can disable them in their operating system settings. Redirects to partner pages do not imply a direct relationship. Our privacy policy is only valid for visits to 100 Tecnologia.

II. How We Use Your Information

100 Tecnologia uses the information obtained through the website to improve the user experience and operational efficiency. That includes:

  • Maintain the website to ensure its efficient functionality.
  • Personalize and expand the website's offerings, meeting users' needs and preferences.
  • Analyze user usage patterns to adjust website functionality and content.
  • Develop new products, services and features, aligned with growing user demands and technological innovations.
  • Interact directly with users or through partners, providing customer support, website updates, and information for marketing and promotions.
  • Send emails about topics of interest, such as newsletters, promotions and other announcements.
  • Identify and prevent fraudulent activities to protect the security of the website and the integrity of users' personal information.

III. Commitment to Protecting Your Information

100 Tecnologia does not sell user information. However, as already mentioned, we may share data with partners to improve user experience and develop strategies for our products and services. Users can choose not to have their information shared, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

We reiterate our commitment to security in data collection and storage, aiming to improve the user experience and develop strategies, services and products for the website.

We recognize that complete data security on the internet is not guaranteed. Therefore, 100 Tecnologia reserves the right to respond legally to any data breach by malicious third parties.

IV. Exercising Your Rights

1. Your Rights

Personal information is collected by 100 Tecnologia only when essential to provide a specific service. This collection is done fairly and legally, with full transparency and user consent, and we clarify the purpose and use of this data.

You can choose not to provide your personal information, but this may limit our ability to provide certain services. We do not disclose your personal information publicly or to third parties unless legally required. If you wish to have your personal data deleted from our records, please contact us.

2. Information Retention Policy

100 Tecnologia stores the information collected only for the period necessary to provide the requested service. Data is stored with effective security measures to prevent loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or alteration.

V. General Data Protection Law (LGPD)

In Brazil, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) ensures the protection of user data on the internet. Under the LGPD, users have the right to access their collected data, request its deletion and take legal action against companies if necessary.

100 Tecnologia is committed to providing all necessary information and facilitating appropriate procedures so that users can exercise their rights under the LGPD. To this end, we provide a direct contact channel via email [email protected].

SAW. Parental Warnings

100 Tecnologia, in compliance with the LGPD, does not aim to collect data from children under 18 and encourages parents and guardians to monitor the internet use of children and adolescents.

Recognizing the difficulty in verifying users' ages, we commit to immediately deleting any personal data of minors as soon as identified.

To report incidents of data collection from minors, parents and guardians can contact us by email at [email protected], so that we can act to remove this information.

VII. Review of Our Privacy Policy

100 Tecnologia maintains the right to modify its Privacy Policy as necessary, to adapt to new technologies, laws or operational changes.

We are committed to communicating any changes to our users clearly and in a timely manner. We encourage you to regularly review our Privacy Policy to stay up to date with how your information is protected. By continuing to use our services after changes, you agree to the new terms.

VIII. Our Contact Information

If you have questions or comments about the Privacy Policy, questions about your personal data, our data collection and sharing methods, or to discuss your consent preferences, please contact us at [email protected].

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