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Free RG Digital 100%!


When using the RG Digital, it is possible to carry your identity on the cell phone and also, being able to request your 2nd copy of the document in physical format. All without leaving home. The Digital RG will not replace the need for the physical RG, however, it will streamline several processes.


Você permanecerá no mesmo site

See now the main benefits of owning the RG Digital.

100% free
Easy access to other services
Assistance in granting social benefits
Security against document forgery

Você permanecerá no mesmo site

Yes. The RG Digital is an official document issued by the IIRGD. However, we have linked content with information for you to be able to download your Digital ID easily and quickly! Check out.

You must update your RG by going to one of the Identification Posts. That's why we've linked content with information so you can download your Digital ID easily and quickly! Check out.

The version has the same information as the physical Identity Card. Later on, we link content with information for you to be able to download your Digital RG easily and quickly! Check out.

Yes. For more details, we have linked a content with information for you to be able to download your Digital RG easily and quickly! Check out.

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