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Enough of the pressure when it comes to presenting your CNH and realizing that it has been forgotten or lost.

Download the CNH Digital app now for free and have your document always at hand


Você permanecerá no mesmo site

See now all the benefits of having your Digital CNH:

Free APP 100%
always have it at hand
Consult fines online
Share your document with other drivers

Você permanecerá no mesmo site

Issuing the CNH Digital is simple, fast and secure. Follow our content and see some information that we relate on how to have your document today on your cell phone.

Yes! That's why we've prepared a complete step-by-step guide to download yours, both for Android and iOS. Thus, we have listed some information for you to be able to download your wallet on your cell phone. Check it out in our content.

The steps of the process are easy and quick, in a few minutes you will already have the digital version of the document available to download in the application "CDT - Carteira Digital de Trânsito". For this we have linked some information for you to be able to download your wallet on your cell phone. Check out.

The amount varies according to your region. For more information, continue in our content, as we have listed some information for you to stay on top of everything and thus obtain your CNH.

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