
The best apps to identify plants with your cell phone

Discover the best applications for identifying plants, developed by scientists and botanists from all over the world! Check out a view now.


Discover plant species identification applications

Biodiversity is a topic of great importance for the conservation of the environment and for scientific knowledge about the different species of plants and animals that exist on our planet.

There are applications for smart phones that use the camera and technologies such as artificial intelligence and automatic learning to analyze the characteristics of plants, such as color, shape of leaves and flowers, texture, among other aspects.



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These applications have been widely used by biologists, botanists, students and nature enthusiasts to help identify plants in their daily activities.

We will present you with some of the main applications capable of recognizing plant species, their functionalities and how they can be useful to increase knowledge about plant biodiversity. To check!


The Seek app is easy to use and provides a fun and educational experience for users of all ages!

When looking at the smart phone camera for a plant or animal, Seek uses image recognition technology to identify the species and provide information about it, including its common and scientific name, geographic distribution and habits.

When you open the application for the first time, it will ask you to access the camera and GPS on your smart phone. Allow access so that Seek can identify plants and animals around you and provide accurate information.

When you point your camera at a plant or animal, Seek will use image recognition technology to identify species and provide information. Tip: Point your camera at the correct part of the plant or animal to obtain the best results.

When Seek identifies the plant or animal, it will show information about the species, including its common and scientific name, geographic distribution and habits.

In “Add observations”, you can send observations to the scientific community through iNaturalist. This will help to map and document wildlife throughout the world and will provide important data for research and conservation of the species.


iNaturalist is an online application and platform that allows users to document and share wildlife observations around the world.



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The application also uses image recognition technology to identify the species and provide information about it, including its common and scientific name, geographic range, habitat and more.

One of the most interesting features of iNaturalist is its global community of scientists and natural enthusiasts.

Users can join specific species groups or research projects, collaborate on conservation initiatives and interact with other members of the community.

To use iNaturalist, you must create an account. You can register with a Facebook account or create a new account with a valid email address.

To document an observation, open the application and click on the “Observe” button. Take a photograph of the organism you want to identify and complete the necessary information, as well as the place of observation, at the close and at the time.

The application will use image recognition to identify the species that have been documented. If the application cannot identify the species automatically, other iNaturalist users can help identify it using the “community” function.

When you send an observation, it is added to a global database and shared with scientists and researchers from all over the world.

Nature ID

Nature ID is a useful tool for anyone who wants to identify plants and animals. It works through the use of artificial intelligence and image recognition technology to identify species from photographs.



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Try Nature ID and learn everything about plants!

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To use the application, simply take a photo of a plant or animal that you want to identify and add it to Nature ID. Luego, the application uses its database to analyze the image and compare it with other images of cataloged species.

From there, the application attempts to identify the corresponding species and provides detailed information about the plant or animal in question.

The application is easy to use and can be downloaded for free on mobile devices. However, it is important to remember that the application is still under development and it is possible that no sea 100 % needs all identification.

Open the application and point to the camera on your device to find the plant or animal you want to identify. The image must be clear and clearly visible.

After taking the photo, send it by clicking the “Send” button. The app will analyze the image and compare it with its database of cataloged species.