
Best apps to watch TV online anywhere!

Do you want to watch a new episode of your favorite series? And how about watching old soap operas? You can do all this and much more on your cell phone with easy-to-use apps!


Are you out and about and want to pass the time? Watch TV wherever you are using your cell phone!

Nowadays in the entertainment scene, apps for watching TV online have become the bridge between traditional TV programming and the flexibility of the digital world.

With endless options available, TV lovers can enjoy their favorite shows, real-time news and sporting events just on their mobile devices or computers. 




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Enjoy Globo's entire programming in the palm of your hand.

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In fact, these apps offer a multitude of channels and programs, allowing you to customize your experience according to your tastes and preferences! See the best platforms below!

Best apps to watch TV online!

Below we will show you the best apps for you to have fun and watch TV on your cell phone. So enjoy and don't miss your favorite program again.


Firstly, the Globoplay app is a streaming service from TV Globo itself. In this sense, it broadcasts its channels live, and even leaves recorded episodes in the app so that you can watch it at any time.

Furthermore, you can watch everything from your favorite old soap opera to the latest news on television.

Hulu + Live TV

Hulu + Live TV is Hulu's streaming service with a variety of live TV channels. In fact, it offers the ability to watch many TV shows, movies, sports and news in real time.

On top of all this, it also gives you access to Hulu's on-demand content, and is one of the easiest apps to watch online TV online.

You can watch on various platforms, cell phone, Smart TV, computer and much more and it even offers you an exclusive ad-free option.



Hulu + Live TV

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Everything you want to see in one streaming app!

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TV sling

Sling TV is one of the best apps for watching TV online for those who want flexible and unique alternatives. After all, it offers a more modern viewing experience and can change according to your taste.

Furthermore, the app works over the Internet, delivering a simple viewing experience with multiple TV channel packages.

And you can even record the programs live to watch later whenever you want.



TV sling

android iOS

Watch live TV directly on your cell phone or record your programs for later!

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Although it is one of the apps on this list more focused on sports content, fuboTV is also a great option for watching other types of online TV programming.

In fact, fuboTV has expanded its catalog to include television channels and programs, live or recorded.

The app offers 4K content, available on multiple platforms, and the programs available on it can be watched at any time.




android iOS

Live programs wherever and whenever you want!

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Finally, AT&T TV is an app offered by AT&T, one of the largest companies in the USA. Launched as a flexible alternative to a traditional TV subscription, it offers a variety of live channels and on-demand content.

Furthermore, many devices are compatible with this app, and it offers super affordable plans. So don't waste time and access any of these apps to watch TV online and enjoy the entertainment.




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Watch the best TV shows directly on your cell phone!

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Discover other recommended apps: apps for watching football on your cell phone!

The best apps for you to watch football on your cell phone and never miss your favorite team's game again due to lack of time.

Don't let anyone stand between you and your passion for your team, not even your commitments.



Watch football on your cell phone

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Watch your favorite team and don't miss a single game!

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About the author  /  Mariela Pereira do Nascimento

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